
The output is a route solution - an assignment of visits (stops) to fleet objects (drivers). It essentially produces a schedule for each driver, giving him the order in which he should visit his stops (so as to be as efficient as possible while respecting time windows, capacity constraints etc) and the estimated arrival time at each location. Below is the output for job 141df046-2bb7-4a3c-93a5-1253274673a5 that was used as an example in the quickstart section.

	"id": "141df046-2bb7-4a3c-93a5-1253274673a5",
	"status": "finished",
	"input": {
		"visits": {
			"ABC-123": {
				"location": {
					"name": "Brassneck Brewery",
					"lat": 49.2657714,
					"lng": -123.1017201,
					"id": "ABC-123"
				"start": "18:00",
				"end": "19:00",
				"duration": 30,
				"load": 1
			"DEF-456": {
				"location": {
					"name": "Zakkushi on Denman",
					"lat": 49.2912,
					"lng": -123.1384817,
					"id": "DEF-456"
				"start": "18:00",
				"end": "20:00",
				"duration": 45,
				"load": 1
			"GHI-789": {
				"location": {
					"name": "Granville Island Brewing",
					"lat": 49.2709294,
					"lng": -123.13623,
					"id": "GHI-789"
				"start": "20:00",
				"end": "21:00",
				"duration": 15,
				"load": 1
		"fleet": {
			"vehicle_1": {
				"start_location": {
					"id": "driver_start",
					"name": "Killarney, East Vancouver",
					"lat": 49.2287301,
					"lng": -123.0421047
				"end_location": {
					"id": "driver_end",
					"name": "VanDusen Botanical Gardens",
					"lat": 49.2385564,
					"lng": -123.1309102
				"shift_start": "17:00",
				"shift_end": "23:00",
				"capacity": 10
		"options": {
			"polylines": true
	"output": {
		"status": "completed",
		"fitness": 0,
		"unserved": [],
		"solution": {
			"vehicle_1": [{
				"location_id": "driver_start",
				"location_name": "Killarney, East Vancouver",
				"arrival_time": "17:00",
				"finish_time": "17:59",
				"distance": 0
			}, {
				"location_id": "ABC-123",
				"location_name": "Brassneck Brewery",
				"arrival_time": "17:59",
				"finish_time": "18:29",
				"distance": 5976,
				"duration": 30,
				"travel_mins": 11.96,
				"waiting_mins": 48.04,
				"working_mins": 41.96
			}, {
				"location_id": "DEF-456",
				"location_name": "Zakkushi on Denman",
				"arrival_time": "18:37",
				"finish_time": "19:22",
				"distance": 3888,
				"duration": 45,
				"travel_mins": 7.78,
				"waiting_mins": 0,
				"working_mins": 52.78
			}, {
				"location_id": "GHI-789",
				"location_name": "Granville Island Brewing",
				"arrival_time": "20:00",
				"finish_time": "20:15",
				"distance": 2261,
				"duration": 15,
				"travel_mins": 4.52,
				"waiting_mins": 32.7,
				"working_mins": 19.52
			}, {
				"location_id": "driver_end",
				"location_name": "VanDusen Botanical Gardens",
				"arrival_time": "20:15",
				"distance": 0
		"polylines": {
			"vehicle_1": ["i_nkHft~mV@h@OJgA@ApCub@KUEs@WeBeBUYa@pKSnCUdBQz@_C~Ig@~AiJpWwBtF}GxRyCbIiH~SqJvVy@hC_CxGeM`]wBlGsEzNoAtCyBtEi@pAwTlm@cDbJ{ElM_BvEYjAMx@c@dEU`A]`AcFnKmBvDmB`CwJxJoDfD}CdCyArAGLw@n@gEGSNA~Cq@Ap@@@_D}OSMO{N]s@OmB{@q@Wm@GsCGSnCO~DqBG{@@o@DiLjB_AVs@h@k@n@g@t@e@bAe@nBSxAy@dJMt@Or@Sn@q@|ASp@eNMaAzJWfBSRUh@I\\cAbB}BbE{BdE_QvZ{BxDiBzIWfAmDrQ{BvLmErTcBtHpA|BwKvRbJvOoDdGnDeGzIlOxGnLb~@y`BrEdIrAtBDVrAzBDPpGhKPd@zU`b@PJVd@z@lAt@v@x@h@jAh@LJ\\HvCThABb@RNTL\\F^@b@A`@G`@MZOVSNWHU?UIUOOUM]McA@_GS?gBZkAFu@c@c@Yw@_AuCqEy@uAhBwDaE{F_DnEHd@NN\\H@nCvACp@Rr@Bx@tAtCpEv@~@Vv@Zh@XZRCRKp@Qj@YlAUDeBBa@R_Af@cAZWf@}@^a@h@EJMfBBLKbr@z@BqHD}AFgAPkA|@uDzBoGTe@bBuBxAsApCeBVW`@m@ZuATkAJgADqCtD@tDJvWZ^NdA@f@IdIJdJ?fENhX`@jJFElDe@AWKO?IDIJCLIdH@R"]
		"num_unserved": 0,
		"total_distance": 12124.173638711542,
		"total_distance_miles": 7.533612225901168,
		"total_travel_time": 1455.4830298573215,
		"total_cost": 12124.173638711542,
		"total_operation_time": 11700,
		"total_duration_time": 90,
		"summary": {
			"vehicle_1": {
				"distance": 12125,
				"travel_mins": 24.26,
				"waiting_mins": 80.74,
				"working_mins": 114.26,
				"working_percentage": 31.74,
				"visits": 3,
				"service_mins": 90
		"report": {
			"distance": 12125,
			"travel_mins": 24.26,
			"waiting_mins": 80.74,
			"working_mins": 114.26,
			"working_percentage": 31.74,
			"visits": 3,
			"service_mins": 90
	"fleet": 1,
	"visits": 3,
	"started_at": "2022-08-14T05:24:43.941Z",
	"finished_at": "2022-08-14T05:24:43.957Z",
	"type": "VRP",
	"network": {
		"driver_start": {
			"id": "driver_start",
			"name": "Killarney, East Vancouver",
			"lat": 49.2287301,
			"lng": -123.0421047
		"driver_end": {
			"id": "driver_end",
			"name": "VanDusen Botanical Gardens",
			"lat": 49.2385564,
			"lng": -123.1309102
		"ABC-123": {
			"name": "Brassneck Brewery",
			"lat": 49.2657714,
			"lng": -123.1017201,
			"id": "ABC-123"
		"DEF-456": {
			"name": "Zakkushi on Denman",
			"lat": 49.2912,
			"lng": -123.1384817,
			"id": "DEF-456"
		"GHI-789": {
			"name": "Granville Island Brewing",
			"lat": 49.2709294,
			"lng": -123.13623,
			"id": "GHI-789"
	"processing_time": "0.004"

When there are too many visits — or the time windows are too tight — and the fleet cannot possibly visit all locations, some visits will be unserved. We will return both those visit IDs in unserved as follows in the API response:

	"unserved": [

Last updated